Daily Prayers with Decomposing Corpses: Death Chairs at Aragonese Castle
The Aragonese Castle is a castle built on top of a rocky islet next to Ischia, a small Italian island on the northern end of the Gulf of Naples. Whilst a stronghold is said to have already been built during Classical times, much of the present structure dates to the Middle Ages. The Aragonese Castle…
Christians Supplied Medieval Pagans with Horses for Sacrifice for Funeral Rituals
In the late medieval period, pagans in the Baltic region of northern Europe imported horses from neighboring Christian nations for use in funeral rituals, according to a study. Horse sacrifices were highly visible and symbolic public rites across pagan prehistoric Europe, persisting the latest among the Baltic tribes, up to the 14th century AD. Offering pits might…
Most visited pilgrims sites in the world
Pilgrimage has been a significant part of human civilization, binding cultures, religions, and races across continents. It's a spiritual voyage that millions undertake each year, seeking solace, answers, or simply an intimate encounter with their faith. What are the  pilgrimage destinations you must visit, and why are these places so revered? River Ganges Photo…


Daily Prayers with Decomposing Corpses: Death Chairs at Aragonese Castle

The Aragonese Castle is a castle built on top of a rocky islet next to Ischia, a small Italian island…

10 months ago

Most visited pilgrims sites in the world

Pilgrimage has been a significant part of human civilization, binding cultures, religions, and races across continents. It's a spiritual voyage…

10 months ago

Паломницкий маршрут “Шлях Сантьяго”: поради початківцям

«Щасливий ти, здійснюючи паломництво, якщо, завершуючи дорогу, ти відкриваєш, що справжній Шлях тільки починається». Колись Шляхом Сантьяго йшли лише глибоко…

10 months ago

The third largest mosque in the world was inaugurated in Algeria

It’s also Africa’s largest, but critics view the mosque as a vanity project for a former president who tried to…

1 year ago

Sensation!? Egypt’s Oldest Papyri Detail Great Pyramid Construction

CHRISTOPHER KLEIN Egypt’s oldest papyrus fragments, which detail the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, have gone on public…

1 year ago

Brazil: 9,000-year-old Human Skeletons and Over 100,000 Artifacts

Surveyors in Brazil were appraising a site identified for the building of a new apartment complex. However, they downed tools,…

1 year ago

Новий податок для туристів

Деякі європейські країни вже у 2024 році планують запровадити новий податок для туристів. Плату за в'їзд потрібно буде здійснювати на 10 популярних…

1 year ago

Стародавній палац доводить існування напівміфічних правителів Китаю

Китайські археологи виявили палацовий комплекс віком 4 тисяч років у Китаї, який належить до часів династії Ся. Багато скептиків вважають…

1 year ago

День Святителя Миколая у Піреї. Греція

День Святого Миколая, архієпископа Мирлікійського чудотворця, покровителя моряків, цього року  відзначався в Піреї надзвичайно урочисто. У місцевій церкві Святого Миколая…

1 year ago

9000 year old Native American Burial Stunned Experts

In Southeastern Washington, the discovery of the 9,000-year-old remains, known as Kennewick Man, has captivated paleoanthropologists. https://youtu.be/9MGWU5ThIIY?si=IN9LqX8hXJRPR16e This ancient Native…

1 year ago