Tourists and local residents disembark a boat amid plastic rubbish in Sanur, Bali Photograph: Johannes Christo/Reuters Дві найбільші ісламські…
Photo: Mosque of the Olten Turkish cultural association at Wangen bei Olten. By Nadf/Public Domain The Upper House of Switzerland …
Recently, Russian media spread information about a terrible law adopted in the European Union. This is the law of the…
Выставка святых реликвий открылась в первую пятницу Рамадана в мечети Хырка-и-Сериф в Стамбульском районе Фатих. В Стамбуле большинство священных…
Tелевізійна компанія Аль-Джазіра запрошує вас на коротку екскурсію по Східному Єрусалиму - з переважно палестинським населенням - і населеному євреями…
Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned the killing of Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border, saying the deaths would only lead to…
Ramadan in 2018 will begin in the evening of Tuesday, May 15, and end in the evening of Thursday, June…
The photo waits for everywhere. We come to this world - photography, we travel - photography. We leave and this…
Bombings at three churches in Surabaya, in Indonesia's East Java province, during Sunday mass on May 13 have left at…
Of the eleven recognized breweries run by Trappist monks in the world, six of them are dotted across Belgium. These…