I would say hijab is more “natural” than cultural or religious. It means it sounds to be in the natural instincts of people, specially women.
Looking back in the history, not only we see that hijab existed in many religions like Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism,…, but also we see that in many places and times where people didn’t have a religion, women tried their best to cover their body.
It was for protection. It was sth personal that women wanted to do to protect their bodies from lustful eyes of men back then. It was to make them feel secure and safe.
Jewish woman. She looks exactly like Muslim women. If it didn’t have a title I could never tell!
Christians praying.

Religious outfit of different religions.
A Jewish family
A Jewish family
A Jewish family
Guess the religion of these women: Jewish!
Hijab in Religions.
Zoroastrian (=Zartosht)
Zartosht again
I found an old Nun on the internet. Her clothes looks exactly like our uniforms in highschool! Wow!(I’m an Iranian Muslim).
A nun.
Zartoshtian (Zoroastrian) gathering with their treditional clothes this year.
Old miniature Iranian painting.
Old miniature Iranian painting
Old miniature Iranian painting
Hijab in Quajar and Pahlavi era in Iran. After Islam.
Before- Islam Iranian clothes.
Hijab in Quajar and Pahlavi era in Iran. After Islam.

Arab Muslim women.
Hijab in Quajar and Pahlavi era in Iran. After Islam.
Also check out this link: