Daily Prayers with Decomposing Corpses: Death Chairs at Aragonese Castle
The Aragonese Castle is a castle built on top of a rocky islet next to Ischia, a small Italian island on the northern end of the Gulf of Naples. Whilst a stronghold is said to have already been built during Classical times, much of the present structure dates to the Middle Ages. The Aragonese Castle…
Christians Supplied Medieval Pagans with Horses for Sacrifice for Funeral Rituals
In the late medieval period, pagans in the Baltic region of northern Europe imported horses from neighboring Christian nations for use in funeral rituals, according to a study. Horse sacrifices were highly visible and symbolic public rites across pagan prehistoric Europe, persisting the latest among the Baltic tribes, up to the 14th century AD. Offering pits might…
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Categories: IslamVideo

Ramadan 2018

Ramadan in 2018 will begin in the evening of Tuesday, May 15, and end in the evening of Thursday, June 14.


He celebrates the first time the Koran was revealed to Muhammad, according to the Islamic faith. The beginning and the end are determined by the lunar Islamic calendar.
NOTE: All Date are based on Islamic Lunar calendar. Dates may vary due to the sighting of the moon in different countries.
The general greeting is Ramadan Mubarak, which means “to have the blessed Ramadan.”



The word Ramadan comes from the Arabic root ramiḍa or ar-ramaḍ, which means scorching heat or dryness.
Fasting is compulsory for adult Muslims, except those who suffer from illness, travel, the elderly, pregnant, breast-feeding, diabetic, chronically ill or menstrual.



This is the Holy month of Ramadan and people are very happy in this month. They meet each other with gratitude and love, and this is also the month of love and sympathy. People try to give as much as they can, and they spend most of their time doing prayers and other forms of charities.



The pre-dawn food before the famine is called suhur, and the food at sunset, which breaks fast, is the Iftar.



“Night of power” or “decree night” is considered the most sacred night of the year, since Muslims believe that the first revelation of the Quran was sent to Muhammad that night.
It is believed that this happened on the night of the odd number during the last 10 days of Ramadan – 21, 23, 25, 27 or 29th.
In addition to fasting – refraining from eating and drinking during the day – Muslims are advised to read the entire Qur’an for a month, until the holy feast of Eid al-Fitr.



Muslim women attend an Eid al-Fitr prayer marking the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan (AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi)
The festival of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of the next lunar month.


Photo AP

Ramadan annual observance is considered one of the five pillars of Islam.



Photo en.wikipedia.org


Religious Tourism



EUROPEAN PHOTOPRESS AGENCY. Residents in the besieged, rebel-held town of Douma (Syria) gather outside for an Iftar meal


Syrian residents of the rebel-held town of Douma, on the outskirts of the capital Damascus, break their fast with the “iftar” meal on a heavily damaged street during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Hamza Al-Ajweh / AFP/Getty Images)


Religious Tourism

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