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In Thailand, ‘socially engaged Buddhism’ goes beyond meditation to seek justice

A network of socially conscious Buddhists is challenging conceptions of personal devotion to tackle pressing problems in the faith and even beyond their country's borders.  Sulak Sivaraksa in March 2023. Photo by Kalpana Jain. A devotee receives a blessing after offering alms to a Buddhist monk on a sidewalk in Bangkok, Thailand, Tuesday, March…

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Hermit who lived naked on a desert island 29 YEARS is forced to return to Japan

Japanese authorities denied a man the chance his wish to die a castaway on an island he called home for three decades. Masafumi Nagasaki was the only inhabitant of the kilometre-wide Sotobanari island but was forced to return to civilisation after being found unwell by police, reported Daily Mail He lived in solitude since 1989 and…

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