The Basilian Gates are located between the Philharmonic and the Gates of Dawn in the Old Town of Vilnius. Impressively splendid gates were constructed by the architect Kristupas Glaubica in 1761, and are one of the most beautiful monuments of the Late Baroque in Vilnius. The gates open up to the spacious courtyard with the…
Російська компанія "Славіца" розпочала випуск морозива під назвою "Бєдний єврей". Така назва обурила Голову єврейської громади Набережних Челнів (Російська Федерація) Леоніда Штейнберга.
Голова єврейської громади Набережних Челнів Леонід Штейнберг
"Я зараз на лікарняному. Одужаю і розберуся з ними", - заявив Штейнберг.
"Знайомтеся - морозиво "Бєдний єврей"... Пробуючи всю цю смакоту, виходить, що не…
Папа Римский Франциск встречался 19 марта с группой студентов в Риме на собрании в рамках подготовки к Октябрьскому Синоду Архиерейского Собора.
Большинство молодых людей, собравшихся вместе с папой в Коллегии в Риме, были выбраны в качестве делегатов на своих национальных епископских конференциях. Другие представляли различные католические движения или министерства. Ватикан также пригласил делегатов из других…
The Franciscan Church is one of the oldest buildings in the capital, its history dates back to the 14th century. The church is Gothic, but in the 18th century it acquired Baroque forms. In 1812 the church was somewhat destroyed, it was made into a grain store. Later it was made into an archive. Currently…
Armenians believe Qara Kelissa or St. Thaddeus Church was the first church constructed in the world at the orders of evangelists and apostles of Jesus and since from religious point of view they consider martyrdom the highest of salvations for humanity, every year a special service is held at Qara Kelissa in the second half…
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (DAAHL) is an international project that brings together experts in information technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the archaeology of the Holy Land.
The Atlas includes territories modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan, southern Lebanon, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula.
This is the first on-line digital atlas…
Памятник царю Давиду. Иерусалим. Religious Touridm
Святые места для каббалистов – это те, на которых происходило захоронение древних мудрецов – праведников и праотцов.
Йегуда Брандвайн (1903—1968) — раввин и каббалист. Автор комментариев Маалот Хасулам к книге Зоар
Праведники приходят в этот мир для того чтобы исполнить своё предначертание, они не умеют…
Abuna Yemata Guh has been on the clifftop on Northern Ethiopia since 5th century AD
Abuna Yemata Guh is a monolithic church located in the Hawzen woreda of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. It is situated at a height of 2,580 metres. He chose as the hermit monastery the summit of Guha in the Geralt Ridge and withdrew from vain life. Later, he…
In the fall of 2015, our founder and director, Fr. Silouan (Brown) began thinking of ways that he could personally help the different Orthodox missions in Africa. He soon realized that many scams were operating out of that area, and it was difficult – if not impossible – for the average person to know which cries for…
The fifth week of the Great Lent is dedicated to of a known saint whose life demonstrates the power of the Church as the places of forgiveness and redemption. St. Mary of Egypt was a prostitute for 17 years before she chose the life of a hermit and the received the Holy Communion.