Daily Prayers with Decomposing Corpses: Death Chairs at Aragonese Castle
The Aragonese Castle is a castle built on top of a rocky islet next to Ischia, a small Italian island on the northern end of the Gulf of Naples. Whilst a stronghold is said to have already been built during Classical times, much of the present structure dates to the Middle Ages. The Aragonese Castle…
Christians Supplied Medieval Pagans with Horses for Sacrifice for Funeral Rituals
In the late medieval period, pagans in the Baltic region of northern Europe imported horses from neighboring Christian nations for use in funeral rituals, according to a study. Horse sacrifices were highly visible and symbolic public rites across pagan prehistoric Europe, persisting the latest among the Baltic tribes, up to the 14th century AD. Offering pits might…
Most visited pilgrims sites in the world
Pilgrimage has been a significant part of human civilization, binding cultures, religions, and races across continents. It's a spiritual voyage that millions undertake each year, seeking solace, answers, or simply an intimate encounter with their faith. What are the  pilgrimage destinations you must visit, and why are these places so revered? River Ganges Photo…


The Worst Popes and Their Dirty Secrets

Throughout history, the papacy has been a beacon of spirituality and moral guidance for billions of Catholics worldwide. However, nestled…

11 months ago

Pope Francis: This Visit to the United Arab Emirates belongs to the “surprises” of God.

Pope Francis became the first pontiff to set foot in the Arabian Peninsula this week, delivering mass to more than…

6 years ago

Pope Francis: “Who am I to judge?”

VATICAN CITY, Italy, October 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis' Vatican invited another public relations debacle Wednesday when photos came…

6 years ago

У Ватикані зарахувaли до лику святих сімох блаженних Католицької Церкви

У неділю, 14 жовтня 2018 р., Папа Франциск очолив на площі Святого Петра у Ватикані  Месу, під час якої зарахував…

6 years ago

Pope Francis tells gay man: “God made you like this”

Juan Carlos Cruz said some of Chile’s bishops had sought to depict him as a pervert as they accused him…

7 years ago

Pope condemns in Gaza killings

Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned the killing of Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border, saying the deaths would only lead to…

7 years ago

Папа Франциск подав приклад …

All images via Lamborghini Папа Римский  Франциск закликав священиків відмовитися від їзди на дорогих автомобілях. На підтвердження цих слів він виставив на продаж…

7 years ago

Freemasons and their craft: What Catholics should know

  Left: The Masonic Square and Compasses (us.fotolia.com/Serj Siz`kov); right: Pope Leo XIII, who denounced the Masonic Lodge as “a…

7 years ago

Canadian parliament passes motion demanding apology from Pope Francis

An earlier draft of the motion was criticised for infringing the religious liberty of the Canadian Church In a rare…

7 years ago