Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew yesterday sent a clear message to Russia vis-à-vis the Ukraine issue, stating that Constantinople has no intention whatsoever of giving in to pressure reported ORTHODOXIA.INFO
While addressing an audience at an event in Istanbul celebrating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Feriköy Greek community, His All-Holiness made it…
Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ:
Many of you have been following the recent events regarding the Orthodox Church in Ukraine and the actions of His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In order to help you with an accurate understanding of the issues involved,…
Український козак Пилип Орлик (1672-1742рр.) був дипломатом і автором першої конституції в Європі (1710), Конституції незалежної України. Завзято воював з росіянами протягом всього свого життя, виборюючи незалежність України.
У Конституції, яка претендувала бути основним законом незалежної Української держави, перша стаття зазначала, що релігією України є Православ'я, але Українська Церква буде…
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, centre, is introduced to officials by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, right, the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians, prior to their meeting at the Patriarchate in Istanbul, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018. Bartholomew I is currently debating whether to accept a Ukrainian bid to tear that country's church from its association…
Head of the Eastern Orthodox Church Patriarch Bartholomew I. Photo by Massimo Finizio, Wikipedia Commons.
His All-Holiness expressed the Ecumenical Throne’s unabating interest for the healing of the Ukrainian ecclesiastical problem and the restoration of unity for the divided ecclesiastical body in that country during his address in the Chamber of the Throne, following…
Комиссия Госавиаслужбы удовлетворила все заявки украинской авиакомпании SkyUp на получение прав на полеты по 55 регулярным и чартерным маршрутам, сообщило ведомство в отчете по результатам заседания.
В частности, новому украинскому авиаперевозчику предоставят права на полеты по внутренним регулярным маршрутам из Киева, Львова и Харькова в Одессу на неограниченный период, сообщает
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